Saturday, December 10, 2011


Hi I’m Michael Brady. I have been studying and doing hypnosis since I was 14 years old. I love exploring and turning people on to the amazing unconscious part of them... In this column I will share a plethora of ideas and stories that relate to this topic!  So let’s jump into the pool with  PAST LIFE REGRESSION.

What the heck is Past Life Regression
How can it help me in my life?

People ask this question in various forms all the time. I have lots of answers for them... I think the best way to answer it for you all, my readers, is to take you through an actual past life regression. The person in this story is not an actual client.  I will call her Gloria because I can’t remember the last time I had a client named Gloria. The experiences I am writing about are an amalgam of many of my clients.


I invite Gloria to take a seat in a comfortable chair. It is important for her to relax.  I ask her to close her eyes; I sit within 3 to 5 feet from her so that we can easily speak to each other. I take ten to thirty minutes to explain how the session will work, and answer any questions she has about hypnosis and past life regression. This is to establish good rapport and allay any fears she might have. I explain that I do a process called active trance. After she closes her eyes and she is actively in trance I will ask her to talk to me. My intention is that she feels comfortable with me. This allows me to tailor my responses to her. I then ask her if she is ready to go into trance by saying” “When you are ready to experience this trance you can close your eyes and acknowledge that your eyes are closed. And begin to take 10 or 15 deep sighing breaths, making that nice ahhhh sound as you exhale each time.”

The Trance Phase

     When I observe that Gloria is in an altered state I ask her to talk to me from her conscious (CNC) mind. I ask her to identify something from her life that she wants to resolve, forgive, change, understand, or transform. Gloria is 44 Years old and has a son from a second marriage that ended over 10 years ago. Her son Jake is 15 and as a result she is ready now to meet her soul mate. The problem is she hasn’t had a long lasting or good relationship all these years since her marriage ended. She would like to know if past life therapy can help her with this. I say “Yes” and I want you to remember now all the relationships you have had over your life, starting with the last one. Let yourself drift back in your mind through whatever memories you unconscious (UNC) mind wants to bring to you.” I have Gloria settle on one of these relationship experiences and tell me something about it. This arouses the emotions attached to the relationship issue/history in her. When I get her to identify the feeling and where in her body she feels it I know she is ready to begin the past life regression itself.

The Regression

Gloria drifts back through two marriages, many relationships, to her father. She locks in on her last husband, Joe. She feels anger in her chest. I identify her chest as her heart center and ask her to put either her right or left hand there to anchor the feeling. Now I speak directly to her UNC mind and instruct it to take her back past this life and to the life that is most important in healing and resolving this issue in her life now.

The Past Life

 Using her third eye, I lead Gloria to find herself in another place and time. I ask her to look down at her feet and tell me what she sees. This leads to a series of Q and A’s that produce the following:

  • A description of her sex, age, environment. other people nearby and any action occurring.
  • Going back to age 2 years old and working forward through her life story in the following increments
  • 2 to 7 years old
  • 7 to 10 years old
  • 10 to her entrance into adult responsibility and any ensuing years leading up to when she entered the life.
Gloria sees herself as a man who is dressed much like a medieval Casanova. He has dark hair and eyes, moustache and beard. His gaze is intense and compelling. Gloria senses he feels irritated and this makes her feel anxious. He is about to interact with a woman in the bedroom of a house and she is unaware of his presence.

At 2 years old he is the only boy in a family of 5 children. He is the youngest child and his family is poor. His Mother is over burdened by the demands of her life and has very little time for him. His father is a drinker who is a spotty provider, abusive of his wife and neglectful of his children. He grows up in a house where he is ignored on the one hand and dominated by his sisters on the other.

 At adolescence he develops a pattern of intense sexual relationships with girls with little emotional attachment. When he drinks he can get angry and be physically abusive with women. He moves on whenever the women get too clingy.

His path takes him through a series of events where he works sporadically, gambles, drinks, and drifts and has numerous trysts and affairs in which he takes advantage of the women and moves on.

This brings him back to the room scene where we began.  We now know he is around 40 and that he is in relationship with this woman in the room.  She is pregnant. He has stayed with her longer than any other woman in his life. He has promised her many times that he will change. He says he will be a better man.  He will not drink to excess.  He will treat her better by not getting angry and abusive, She is the first woman he has really cared about to promise that he would change He fails in his commitment. He has gambling debts and needs to move on. She is pregnant. He leaves her with his unborn child.  Sometime later he learns that she had the child.  It was a boy. Both the mother and the baby died of plague when the child was three.  He spends the rest of his life drinking to excess and getting into fights. He is killed in a fight 5 years after he leaves them behind.


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