Tuesday, January 17, 2012



Every year we resolve to lose weight, stop smoking, exercise more, or something.  We start out well and lose our momentum by March.  I can help you accomplish what you haven’t been able to in previous years!  I will share with you how I became an ex-smoker 11 years ago. Along the way I’ll illustrate how hypnosis and understanding how the conscious mind, unconscious mind and emotions interact to produce failure or success. You can use my experience and apply the same principles to what ever you are hoping to change or accomplish. Here goes.
My story
I began smoking in the 7th grade.  I intentionally learned to inhale smoke in the 8th grade. I became a full fledged smoker at the ripe old age of 14. I did it because my father smoked. and most adults and a lot of my peers thought it was cool to smoke. By the time I was 18 I was a pack a day smoker. I remained a pack a day smoker more or less until the day I stopped smoking.  Notice I didn’t say “the day I quit smoking”. How you think about what you are removing from your life is important.  The words you use are important. By the time I was 30 I used smoking to help me do a host of things.  I said to people I know:
  • I need a smoke to wake up.
  • I need a smoke to relax and go to sleep.
  • I need a smoke to stave off hunger.
  • I need a smoke to complete a meal
  • I need a smoke to help me think.
  • I need a smoke to clear my mind
  • I need a smoke to calm my nerves
  • I need a smoke to get up my nerve.
Do you notice a pattern here? My smoking was hooked to doing and not doing equally well over time.  I used smoking to insulate myself from other people’s emotions. It worked like a fog getting between me and their feelings and dulling my perception of the emotional energy coming at me.  I was a working psychotherapist by the time I was 25 and I relied on smoking to help me do my work. I believed at that time I needed to insulate myself form other people’s feelings or they would impact me adversely in some way. 
The Big Insight
At 35 I had enough information to know that smoking was not conducive to a long life. Conversely I was touting to others I wanted to live to be 92, have good sex at that age and die by heart attack or stroke and ski right out of my body on a sunny day on the mountain. However, in the back of my mind I was saying: “I like smoking. I like the ritual, the sociability with other smokers etc.  And I’m getting away with it so far. My health is not impaired by smoking. I can still run, jump, ski, without getting too winded. I don’t want to quit until I have to!” Subsequently I stopped smoking three times, from six months to a year each time, until the end of my 49th year.

The Problem
I have been adept at self trance since I was 16. I have used hypnosis to help many people stop smoking since I was in my 20’s. With all of these skills I still failed three times.   I set myself up to fail because I was emotionally invested in smoking as long as I wasn’t paying the piper. So that little thought kept me coming back to it until I was 49.  In that year I began to feel my body changing.  I was going into the conserving part of my life. I began to feel the accumulative effects of smoking on a daily basis. On the last hour of my 49th year I sat at the stove chain smoking until . I threw away the partial pack I had as the clock struck 12. I was now 50 years old. It was time to be done.

The Magic of the Unconscious
It took me three weeks to become an ex-smoker after I threw that pack away... The physical withdrawal was intense but manageable for five to seven days. I ate more than usual and gained a few pounds. It was the psychological/emotional withdrawal that was really difficult. And on the 14th day I fell off the wagon and smoked a cigarette. When I quit in the past, I developed a system for cheating.  It was:
 Buy a pack myself
 Remove one from the pack
 Throw away the pack so as not to be retrievable.
 Go somewhere else and smoke the cigarette alone.
 Buy a whole pack to smoke one cigarette.
The first day I cheated and took the first drag was orgasmic. The remainder of the cigarette was good and I smoked the whole thing.  Then in my mind I picked up where I left off -being done with smoking.  Notice I didn’t start over.  This was another important concept I developed along the way.

For me, being a smoker meant that I always felt an ache in my chest, in my bronchials and in my heart center. Sometimes this ache was the unpleasant longing for a smoke. It was also a wonderful ache of the first drag at other times. But the ache was never absent!  I was twelve years old when my chest was free of that ache.  I was worried that my chest would always have that ache... The absence of the ache was a hole in my chest which only smoking filled... Nature hates a vacuum and this hole in my chest was no exception.  So when I cheated that first time it was because I didn’t trust or believe that I could reclaim my twelve year old presence of feeling whole in my chest... This worried me that I wouldn’t be able to reclaim it, no matter what. I began to worry and longed for it frequently throughout the day. I dreamed about it in my sleep as well. The longing was intense. Another week went by and now I was 3 weeks out from my stop date. I was going to the store and again I was overcome by the urge to smoke. I bought the pack. I threw away all except one. I drove to the store up the road. I sat alone in the car and lit up.
What Happened
That first drag tasted horrible. It felt like I sucked grit into my throat. The ache that occurred in my chest felt bad. Wait a minute. Before I lit up I was feeling no ache in my chest and it was just normal, not a hole, longing for something. I realized that somewhere over the last week my body had remembered how to feel again like it did before I ever became a smoker!! All of a sudden I felt twelve years old again physically.  It was a wonderful feeling.  I thanked my Unconscious Mind for the gift it had just given me.  I’m eleven years older now. I know I will never chose to smoke a cigarette again in this life. I go a year or more now before I even notice cigarettes or smoking products in convenience stores
How We Work
My failure and success hinged on my emotional state. The intense desire to hold on to the accoutrements of smoking until my body started paying the price was the key in the years before I stopped.  The intense longing to remember/feel, the absence of the ache-presence of normal comfort, was the key to being done. Desire is a very important part of achieving your goal. Emotion/desire can be both conscious and unconscious.  Becoming sensitive to all our emotions about the issue is very important. If there is a conflict between what we say we want and what we feel about it our emotion will dominate the outcome. The following points are necessary in successfully changing and accomplishing your goals:
·  A consciously chosen goal.
·  A sufficiently intense emotional desire and longing to accomplish the goal .
·  An awareness of conflicting thoughts and/or beliefs regarding the goal.
·  An awareness of the emotions that work against the realization of the goal.
·  Choosing over and over to long for the goal, speaking the words and thoughts that support that happening.
·  Opening yourself to or wondering if you can really have it.  Ideally this is a child wondering.
It is allowing yourself to wonder and long that allows your unconscious mind to come into play.  It creates the magical transformation or change you are looking for. New learning, change and growth are accomplished by the unconscious mind when the conscious desire is clear. and interfering unconscious beliefs and emotions are brought to awareness.
We Consciously Decide What We Would Like to Become
Our Unconscious UItimately Makes What We Think Is Impossible Become Who We  Are

A Personal Letter to Our Readers,
Have a Year Filled with Covenants that will Create Health, Happiness and Prosperity!   We are envisioning each of you creating a powerful covenant with your Souls for 2012.  One of our covenants is that we continue to spread the Aquarian way of life using the Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Aries message to everyone interested and ready to hear.  Between writing for spiritcrossing.org, creating our new blog, creativechoices2blogspot.com and redesigning our web site creativechoices.com we are taking actions that will hopefully inspired and catalyze our community. The web site is filled with new products, information on our new electronic book, Conversations with Linda, written by Kim Patron and opportunities for new people to receive a free astrological chart and so much more.

Our request is that you visit our web site, read and respond to our blog, and spread the word to your friends and family.  Together the voice of the Universe, our Souls and God will create an exciting journey for all of us and manifest the sacred new beginnings that the Age of Aquarius promises.

                                                                                With love and blessings,
                                                                                Linda and Michael Brady

Coming Home – Neptune in Pisces

“The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical.  It is the source of all true science.  He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder, and stand rapt in, is as good as dead. Albert Einstein in his book ‘; The Merging of Spirit and Science’

On February 3, 2012 the planet Neptune returns to its home sign of Pisces for the first time in 144 years! 
Knowing Pisces
Neptune was discovered in 1846.  It rules the sign of Pisces, and has also been the ruling planet of the Age of Pisces for the last two thousand years.  Its symbol is the Trident of Poseidon (or Neptune), the Sea God.  Neptune spends approximately fourteen years in each sign.  Therefore, the sign containing Neptune is a generational marker. The sign that contains Neptune also provides experiences of personal sacrifice that will help us to understand our path to personal redemption.  We create specific types of suffering in Neptune in order to understand the suffering we caused others in our karmic past.  For example, someone who owned land and evicted tenants without regard to their personal safety in a past life might create chaos with home and security in this life in order to understand the pain of that sort of experience.  Once we understand, on an emotional level, what we have done, we can seek forgiveness in a way that actually has meaning for us on a visceral level – the level at which transformation occurs.  Pluto and Neptune work together in this way, helping us to equalize and balance our karma.
The death and resurrection of Christ is a symbol of this process.  He suffered and died, left the physical plane ascended to the spiritual realm, and then returned to the physical plane transmuted.  He entered into the suffering of human experience in order to become compassionate and empathetic, and thus more accessible.  He became more spiritual but also more human – the goal being love and inclusion, rather than judgment and separation.  On a psychological level, Neptune represents an attempt to reconcile the challenges intrinsic in the integration of spiritual and material paths.  It is highly creative and artistic, striving to create a more perfect world. 

Seeking Forgiveness - The Path to Redemption

Each generation also has a specific path to redemption to aid in resolving its karmic past.  From the guilt we carry, our souls tend to create restrictions and unfilled longings that we may remain unconscious of on a personality level for a long time.  Through the process of individuation, and as a karmic group, we can help each other absolve this guilt, forgive ourselves and find other paths that will create more joy.  Neptune provides us with the information we need to learn and what we need to do to lead lives that are more significant for us, rather than to continue running in the ruts of our karmic patterns.  Often this path to redemption creates a victim/savior compulsion, which creates problems, but in Neptune we strive for experiences that will help us to balance our karma by making us more spiritual, creative and compassionate.

Forgiving our past life challenges is the key to our path to redemption.  When we find our path to redemption and begin walking it, we become free to transform Neptune to its higher level.  Neptune can become our creative connection to our deepest spiritual self.  At this point we become eternally grateful to our soul contracts for helping us resolve our past and create a more fulfilling future.
Answer the Following Questions
  • How am I my worse enemy? 
  • How do I keep my light hidden?
  • How do I escape from reality
  • How can I forgive myself? 
  • What past life gifts do I need to remember?
  • How can I best connect to my inner spirituality and grace?
  • How do I live in a state of grace?

Creating the Vision for Neptune in Pisces

In my article for spiritcrpssing.org in April, 2011 I wrote that Neptune in Pisces will facilitate:
  • Knowing that our path to redemption can be completed by the process of forgiveness.
  • Choosing to live in a state of grace
  • Focusing on creating vision and using our intuition
  • Surrendering to a deeper understanding and greater appreciation of the universal consciousness.
  • Understanding the imaginol realm
  • Creating a deeper sense of our inner divinity
  • Learning how to be disciplined with our spiritual practices
  • Finding needed retreats from the material world to rest and revitalize

It is our time to embrace its wonders and expand our connection to the universal, imaginol realm.  This is the beginning of our becoming the spiritually mature Aquarians that we have longed for centuries. Nelson Mandela said that forgiveness is an act of love and freedom for us.  Neptune in Pisces will point us in the right direction to do just that. Once we know what we have done by facing it we are ready to forgive or be forgiven. I believe that the state of grace and peace that we all long for comes after we have had the courage to resolve our past,


Saturday, December 10, 2011


Hi I’m Michael Brady. I have been studying and doing hypnosis since I was 14 years old. I love exploring and turning people on to the amazing unconscious part of them... In this column I will share a plethora of ideas and stories that relate to this topic!  So let’s jump into the pool with  PAST LIFE REGRESSION.

What the heck is Past Life Regression
How can it help me in my life?

People ask this question in various forms all the time. I have lots of answers for them... I think the best way to answer it for you all, my readers, is to take you through an actual past life regression. The person in this story is not an actual client.  I will call her Gloria because I can’t remember the last time I had a client named Gloria. The experiences I am writing about are an amalgam of many of my clients.


I invite Gloria to take a seat in a comfortable chair. It is important for her to relax.  I ask her to close her eyes; I sit within 3 to 5 feet from her so that we can easily speak to each other. I take ten to thirty minutes to explain how the session will work, and answer any questions she has about hypnosis and past life regression. This is to establish good rapport and allay any fears she might have. I explain that I do a process called active trance. After she closes her eyes and she is actively in trance I will ask her to talk to me. My intention is that she feels comfortable with me. This allows me to tailor my responses to her. I then ask her if she is ready to go into trance by saying” “When you are ready to experience this trance you can close your eyes and acknowledge that your eyes are closed. And begin to take 10 or 15 deep sighing breaths, making that nice ahhhh sound as you exhale each time.”

The Trance Phase

     When I observe that Gloria is in an altered state I ask her to talk to me from her conscious (CNC) mind. I ask her to identify something from her life that she wants to resolve, forgive, change, understand, or transform. Gloria is 44 Years old and has a son from a second marriage that ended over 10 years ago. Her son Jake is 15 and as a result she is ready now to meet her soul mate. The problem is she hasn’t had a long lasting or good relationship all these years since her marriage ended. She would like to know if past life therapy can help her with this. I say “Yes” and I want you to remember now all the relationships you have had over your life, starting with the last one. Let yourself drift back in your mind through whatever memories you unconscious (UNC) mind wants to bring to you.” I have Gloria settle on one of these relationship experiences and tell me something about it. This arouses the emotions attached to the relationship issue/history in her. When I get her to identify the feeling and where in her body she feels it I know she is ready to begin the past life regression itself.

The Regression

Gloria drifts back through two marriages, many relationships, to her father. She locks in on her last husband, Joe. She feels anger in her chest. I identify her chest as her heart center and ask her to put either her right or left hand there to anchor the feeling. Now I speak directly to her UNC mind and instruct it to take her back past this life and to the life that is most important in healing and resolving this issue in her life now.

The Past Life

 Using her third eye, I lead Gloria to find herself in another place and time. I ask her to look down at her feet and tell me what she sees. This leads to a series of Q and A’s that produce the following:

  • A description of her sex, age, environment. other people nearby and any action occurring.
  • Going back to age 2 years old and working forward through her life story in the following increments
  • 2 to 7 years old
  • 7 to 10 years old
  • 10 to her entrance into adult responsibility and any ensuing years leading up to when she entered the life.
Gloria sees herself as a man who is dressed much like a medieval Casanova. He has dark hair and eyes, moustache and beard. His gaze is intense and compelling. Gloria senses he feels irritated and this makes her feel anxious. He is about to interact with a woman in the bedroom of a house and she is unaware of his presence.

At 2 years old he is the only boy in a family of 5 children. He is the youngest child and his family is poor. His Mother is over burdened by the demands of her life and has very little time for him. His father is a drinker who is a spotty provider, abusive of his wife and neglectful of his children. He grows up in a house where he is ignored on the one hand and dominated by his sisters on the other.

 At adolescence he develops a pattern of intense sexual relationships with girls with little emotional attachment. When he drinks he can get angry and be physically abusive with women. He moves on whenever the women get too clingy.

His path takes him through a series of events where he works sporadically, gambles, drinks, and drifts and has numerous trysts and affairs in which he takes advantage of the women and moves on.

This brings him back to the room scene where we began.  We now know he is around 40 and that he is in relationship with this woman in the room.  She is pregnant. He has stayed with her longer than any other woman in his life. He has promised her many times that he will change. He says he will be a better man.  He will not drink to excess.  He will treat her better by not getting angry and abusive, She is the first woman he has really cared about to promise that he would change He fails in his commitment. He has gambling debts and needs to move on. She is pregnant. He leaves her with his unborn child.  Sometime later he learns that she had the child.  It was a boy. Both the mother and the baby died of plague when the child was three.  He spends the rest of his life drinking to excess and getting into fights. He is killed in a fight 5 years after he leaves them behind.


Have a Healthy Holiday

We greet each other during the holiday season with “Happy Holidays”.  This year I wish you my faithful readers a “Healthy Holiday’.  I have been busy creating new ways for my readers to experience a healthy and happy holiday.  So before I begin my actual article, I would like to take a few moments and tell you about my holiday specials.  My husband Michael Brady starts writing his new column for Spirit Crossing called Everything Unconscious this month. I am so happy and proud to share his insights and brilliance with you.

My co-author and host of Conversations with Linda, Kim Patron is highlighting one of our conversations on having a healthy holiday on her web site, http://soulestialservices.com/2011/11/how-to-handle-holiday-eating/.  Kim has an uncanny ability to ask the important questions that you would ask me.  She challenges me to be clear and concise. Here are a few of her questions.
  • What do you recommend for dealing with food and weight control during the holiday season?  
  • Given that food often does represent comfort, should we allow ourselves indulgence anyway?
  • Given that the holiday season is also a social time, what do you advise to those who feel upset about being a few pounds heavier for the holiday parties, when we want to look our best?
  • It can be so hard to get back onto a healthy diet once we get off track.  Do you have any tips for that?
Please check out her blog for answers to these questions and many more, Our recorded version will be available soon too. 

Creative Choices.com is being revised and will be launched on November 22nd with many options to create a healthy holiday

  • Sign into our web page and you will receive a FREE astrological chart!

  • Through the Eyes of a Child; A Baby Book for Your Inner Child

My husband, Michael and I have been doing inner child work with our clients for many years.  This manual is a culmination of that work.  Between us we bring over sixty years of education and experience to helping people develop a relationship with their inner divine family. I hope that you will enjoy this exciting journey in claiming this wonderful precious part of yourself.  Michael has provided four powerful meditations to connect you to your unconscious places where your inner child lives.  I have shared my personal journey to finding and parenting my little three year old inner child, Lynnie.  This baby book is filled with strategies, tools and astrological insights.  I hope that it helps you find the true joy of knowing and parenting your inner child.  Check it out on our NEW web site on the Products page.
·        Give the holiday gift that continues to grow: The Magic Pot
Give the holiday gift that continues to grow.  Provide your friends and family with an opportunity to attract positive changes in their life.  Begin 2012 with more than New Year Resolutions.  Create affirmations that align and resonate with the growing power of nature. Our herb pots are designed by William Rhodes, an acclaimed San Francisco artist.  The elements, herbs, colors and symbols have been chosen by Linda and Michael Brady, internationally known holistic teachers.  Choose the elemental pots and your PERFECT affirmation for the New Year.  More information is on our web site in our Products page.
·        Check out our new Blog that will be launched with our web site on November 22nd.  We welcome your comments and questions.
Discovering My Inner Mother

Now as promised, my article.  Four years ago next month I wrote my first article for Spirit Crossing dedicated to the Virgin Mary. This blessed Christmas season I will again be honoring Mary, the Mother of Jesus in a richer, more personal manner.  To me, she is the symbol of the divine feminine that becomes the divine Mother to my sacred child.  Mary is the physical embodiment of the sanctity of earth through which spirit can manifest.  She joins with many other archetypes of the Great Mother – Eve, Demeter, and Isis to name a few.  In each case the Great Mother became the manifestation of the divine feminine principle that gave birth to a god force that she loved and nurtured. As with all archetypes that we collectively create this divine feminine principle is within us all, male and female.  We too have physical bodies which are connected to the sacred earth.  We too have the divine force that is giving birth to acts of love and generosity. We are the divine feminine integrating our spirit and soul as we journey on the sacred earth.  When I welcomed her into my life, my life and my relationship with my inner child was transformed.

In the Arms of my Inner Mother
Being nurtured by our Inner Mother is never more important than during the holiday season.  The holidays are when our Inner Children are really present and engaged.  It is also when they are the most fragile.  Our emotions are heightened at this time because of our Inner Children.  They are always hoping for something wonderful, magical and new to happen, but they may be disappointed. Many of us have had problematic childhoods.  The holidays tend to escalate whatever abusive prevails.  Our little ones remember and feel the pain of holiday disappointment and neglect.  One of the things most of us can reliably count on at this time is food or alcohol to be our best friend and deaden those emotions.  If your inner child equates food with love, security and nurturing the holidays can be fraught with opportunities to use food. Find out what food represents to your child. Allow your Inner Mother to provide you the love, compassion and nurturing you have always wanted and needed.  Can you feel Her arms around you?  Can you open your heart to Her?  She is the Mother that will never abandon or reject you.  She knows what you feel and honors those feelings.  She is the Mother that you have always wanted.
My Inner Mother Saves the Holidays
As children we were at the mercy of our parents. They were happy, we were happy. If they were not our expectations of magical holidays disappeared.  I remember many Thanksgivings and Christmases being filled with expectations of gifts, candy, family peace and harmony.  I was often disappointed.  Peace and love was disrupted by alcoholic outbursts by my stepfather.  Many times my Mother, who loved the holidays, did so much to provide us a beautiful Thanksgiving and Christmas to have them destroyed by her husband.  My little girl remembered all of that and was sad beginning at Thanksgiving.  Her birthday is in the middle between Thanksgiving and Christmas.    Years of this mild depression marred even the best of holidays.  I did not take control of the holidays for her.  I allowed her memories to be in control of me.  I discovered my Inner Mother a few years ago.  Her loving advice to me was to create Christmas for my little girl myself!  I could make sure that she had what she needed and wanted.  I could make sure that she would never be disappointed again, she is no longer at the mercy of others.  She has me and my Inner Mother!
Have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving. I would love your holiday stories for my December article.  I would love for you all to create a new holiday ritual with the help of your Inner Mother and share them with us. Please visit us on our new web site, Creative Choices.com and don’t forget to check out our Blog.!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A LEO'S HEART by Linda Brady

I Found My Soul Mission

I have been a karmic astrologer for thirty five years. Over that time I discovered that my astrological chart was a gift from my Soul. It contained all of the symbols that I needed to discover my reason to be on this earth.  It revealed my spiritual mission.  I learned this by studying my south and north node.  The north node is the point where the moon orbiting its way to the earth's northern hemisphere intercepts the earth's orbit around the Sun. It is a focal point that indicates where new growth is needed. The south node is the point where the moon on its way to earth's southern hemisphere intercepts the earth's orbit intercepts the earth's orbit around the Sun. It is a focal point which indicates what is old. These two points are always opposite to each other. Martin Schulman in his book "Karmic Astrology" states that the nodes are actually points of soul magnetism: the north node pulling toward the future: the south node coming from the past. Of the many symbols present in my chart, the north node provided me the specific information on how my soul wanted to develop...
I Learned to be a Leo

My north node is in the sign of Leo.  I am a sun sign Sagittarius with, I am ashamed to say, many judgments about Leo people.  I was appalled when I discovered that my mission was to become one of them.  After some weeping and wailing I surrendered and committed to becoming the best Leo I could be. If my soul wanted that, so be it.  I began to develop Leo characteristics: courage, leadership, inspiration, generosity and confidence. I knew that I had needed to be a Leo who inspired others to be the best that they can be.  I needed to be a generous, heart centered leader whose example might help others be courageous and strong.. This was not easy task for my personality... I come from a south node in Aquarius, which means that I am, by nature, a shy, introverted, blend into the background kind of girl.. I began this life with a bias towards introversion and a deep desire to be invisible.  That was my personality’s bias and I learned to alter the beliefs and altitudes that kept me in that place.   If my soul wanted my personality to transform and express the energy of Leo so that I could fulfill my life’s purpose then I would...
For years I believed that was enough.  It was a struggle and for years I had to literally turn an internal switch to becoming that bright, shining Leo light.  It took a great deal of will, courage and strength.  I was often exhausted when I was done performing and I could turn the switch to off.  For many years I thought that was how it would be.  I was not aware that I had only taken the first step to becoming an integrated human being.  I had intellectually become the Leo, but something was still missing – I still did not have the Leo’s heart. 

The Voice in the Parking Lots

Then one day I began hearing my name being spoken in parking lots.  I would be unlocking my car door and a voice would say: “Linda, Linda”.  I would turn and no one would be there.  It happened for months.  After months of this, I would just scream WHAT???  No answer.  I let it go and when it occurred I ignored it.  Then I began smelling cinnamon – in my car, at work at my school, in stores, places that had no cinnamon. Now I was hearing my name and smelling cinnamon at the same time.  Luckily I was and still am reasonably sane and grounded and I never feared for my mental health.  I knew there was something important happening and that I needed to figure it out.  My husband Michael finally suggested that I do some hypnotic meditations.  I am not an easy subject, but one blessed day it worked and I had a beautiful vision.  I was a small child in a castle at Christmas.  I was walking toward a very large throne with a big man dressed in fur, wearing a large gold crown with rubies as big as my little hand.  The castle was decorated with evergreen boughs and smelled like cinnamon!  I ran to him as quick as my little legs would carry me. He picked me up and sat me on his lap.  I buried my head into his furry chest and felt totally protected and safe.  My heart opened and could feel the power of this gentle giant flowing into me. I began to cry from pure joy.  He stroked my hair and talked softly to me, calling me his child.  That was my introduction to my Soul. I was not alone any more!  I had found my Leo heart and I was complete. 

Discover Your Soul Mission

I would like each of you, dear readers, to have the same experience.  Let’s begin with your discovering the sign that rules your soul mission.  Please send me your date, time and place of birth and e-mail address and I will send you your soul's mission.  My new web site, CreativeChoices.com will launch on 11/22/11.  I offer a FREE astrological chart when you sign on!